The Physical Education Class 12 Syllabus 2023-24 is a crucial resource for students preparing for their board exams. It not only emphasizes physical fitness but also imparts theoretical knowledge about sports, health, and fitness management.
Physical Education Class 12 Syllabus 2023-24
सीबीएसई (केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड) द्वारा जारी यह पाठ्यक्रम छात्रों को शारीरिक फिटनेस बढ़ाने और खेल से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण सैद्धांतिक ज्ञान प्रदान करता है।
This blog covers the syllabus, important topics, marking scheme, preparation tips, and frequently asked questions in detail. आइए शुरुआत करें!
Overview of the Physical Education Class 12 Syllabus 2023-24 (2025)
The syllabus balances theoretical knowledge with practical applications. Key focus areas include:
- Health and Fitness
- Sports Psychology
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Training Methods
- Practical Assessment
यह पाठ्यक्रम सैद्धांतिक और व्यावहारिक अनुप्रयोग के बीच संतुलन प्रदान करता है।
Detailed Unit-Wise Syllabus (2023-24)
Unit 1: Planning in Sports | खेलों में योजना बनाना
- Meaning and objectives of sports planning.
- Various committees and their responsibilities.
- Types of tournaments: knockout, league, and combination.
- Internal and external activities.
- Specific sports programs (e.g., women’s participation, fitness programs).
Unit 2: Sports and Nutrition | खेल और पोषण
- Balanced diet and nutrition.
- Nutritional requirements during physical activities.
- Eating disorders and their impact on performance.
Unit 3: Yoga and Lifestyle | योग और जीवनशैली
- Asanas for common lifestyle diseases.
- Benefits of yoga for health management.
- Special asanas for diseases like diabetes and asthma.
Unit 4: Physical Education and Sports for CWSN (Children with Special Needs)
- Concept of disability and disorder.
- Types of disabilities.
- Strategies to promote inclusion in sports.
Unit 5: Children and Sports | बच्चे और खेल
- Motor development in children.
- Physical and physiological benefits of exercise for children.
- Common postural deformities and corrective measures.
Unit 6: Test and Measurement in Sports | खेलों में परीक्षण और मापन
- Importance of test and measurement.
- Calculation of fitness index using test scores.
- Application of BMI and anthropometric measurements.
Unit 7: Physiology and Injuries in Sports | खेलों में शरीर क्रिया विज्ञान और चोटें
- Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system.
- Sports injuries: types, prevention, and first aid.
Unit 8: Biomechanics and Sports | जैव यांत्रिकी और खेल
- Meaning and importance of biomechanics in sports.
- Newton’s laws of motion and their application in sports.
- Role of friction in sports performance.
Unit 9: Psychology and Sports | मनोविज्ञान और खेल
- Definition and importance of sports psychology.
- Personality, motivation, and stress management.
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Unit 10: Training in Sports | खेलों में प्रशिक्षण
- Training for strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, and coordination.
- Principles of sports training.
- Concepts of overload, progression, and recovery.
Marking Scheme for Class 12 Physical Education (2023-24)
Section | Marks |
Theory Exam | 70 |
Practical Assessment | 30 |
Total | 100 |
Details of Practical Assessment:
Component | Marks |
Physical Fitness Test | 6 |
Skill Test (Specific Sport) | 7 |
Viva-Voce | 5 |
Record File | 7 |
Yoga/Asana Performance | 5 |
Preparation Tips | तैयारी के सुझाव
1. Understand the Syllabus | पाठ्यक्रम को समझें:
- Refer to the official CBSE syllabus for clarity on topics and subtopics.
2. Create a Study Plan | अध्ययन योजना बनाएं:
- Allocate specific days for theoretical and practical practice.
- Include yoga practice in your daily routine.
3. Focus on Diagrams and Definitions:
- Use labeled diagrams to explain physical processes.
- Write concise definitions for key terms.
4. Practical Preparation | व्यावहारिक तैयारी:
- Regularly practice yoga and physical fitness tests.
- Ensure your record file is complete and well-organized.
5. Utilize Additional Resources | अतिरिक्त संसाधनों का उपयोग करें:
- Study from NCERT books and CBSE sample papers.
- Solve previous years’ question papers to familiarize yourself with the exam pattern.
General Study Tips:
- Understand the Syllabus Thoroughly:
- Break down the syllabus into manageable sections.
- Focus on high-weightage chapters like “Sports and Nutrition” and “Planning in Sports.”
- Create a Study Schedule:
- Allocate specific hours for theory and practical preparation.
- Keep time for revision and mock tests.
- Focus on Diagrams and Examples:
- Practice drawing clear and labeled diagrams for topics like “Body Anatomy” and “Physiology.”
- Use real-world examples for better retention.
- Use NCERT Books:
- Stick to NCERT for theory as it’s the most reliable source.
- Solve NCERT back questions and examples for practice.
- Revise Regularly:
- Keep reviewing important concepts weekly.
- Make concise notes for quick revisions.
- Solve Past Papers:
- Practice at least 5-10 years’ worth of previous question papers.
- Focus on sample papers provided by CBSE.
Practical Exam Tips:
- Be Consistent with Fitness Practice:
- Work on flexibility, endurance, and strength as per the fitness test requirements.
- Record File Preparation:
- Ensure your record file is neat and complete with all activities mentioned.
- Add diagrams and visuals to enhance your file.
- Master Yoga Asanas:
- Practice the asanas and their benefits thoroughly.
- Know the Sanskrit names and their significance.
- Viva Preparation:
- Revise the key concepts related to your chosen sport and physical activities.
- Be confident and clear in your answers.
Time Management Tips:
- Prioritize High-Weightage Topics:
- Spend more time on chapters like “Sports and Nutrition” and “Training in Sports.”
- Revise these topics multiple times.
- Use Study Techniques:
- Use mnemonics and mind maps for difficult topics.
- Highlight key points in your textbook for easy recall.
- Take Regular Breaks:
- Follow the Pomodoro technique: study for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break.
Exam Day Tips:
- Start with Easy Questions:
- Attempt the questions you’re most confident about first to build momentum.
- Focus on Presentation:
- Write in bullet points or short paragraphs.
- Use headings and subheadings for clarity.
- Time Allocation:
- Don’t spend too much time on a single question.
- Reserve the last 15 minutes for revision.
- Check Your Answers:
- Revisit your answers for errors or missed points.
Additional Tricks for Physical Education:
- Understand Key Terms:
- Memorize definitions like “sports psychology,” “biomechanics,” and “balanced diet.”
- Learn the Technical Aspects:
- For topics like “Newton’s Laws in Sports,” understand how theory applies practically.
- Stay Updated:
- Read about recent advancements in sports science and fitness.
- Stay Healthy:
- A fit body leads to a fit mind. Practice yoga and meditation to stay stress-free.
Remember: Physical Education is a scoring subject if you prepare smartly. Balance theory with practical preparation, and stay consistent with your studies. Best of luck!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: How many chapters are in Physical Education Class 12 (2023-2024)?
A: The syllabus comprises 10 chapters, each focusing on theoretical and practical aspects of physical education.
Q2: Is the 2023-24 syllabus released?
A: Yes, the CBSE Class 12 Physical Education syllabus for 2023-24 has been officially released.
Q3: Is the Class 12 2024 syllabus released?
A: Yes, CBSE has released the syllabus for all Class 12 subjects for the academic year 2023-24.
Q4: Is there any syllabus reduction for Class 12 (2023)?
A: No, there has been no syllabus reduction for Physical Education in the 2023-24 academic year.
Q5: Which is the highest weightage chapter in Physical Education Class 12?
A: The chapters “Training in Sports” and “Physiology and Injuries in Sports” typically have the highest weightage.
Q6: How to prepare for the Class 12 Board Exam 2024?
A: Understand the syllabus, focus on key concepts, practice regularly, and solve previous year question papers.
Q7: Which is the toughest chapter of Physics in Class 12?
A: While not related to Physical Education, “Electromagnetic Induction” and “Wave Optics” are often considered challenging in Physics.
Q8: Is Class 12 Physical Education easy or hard?
A: Physical Education is considered easy and scoring, especially if students focus on both theory and practical aspects.
Q9: Is there any NCERT book for Physical Education Class 12?
A: No specific NCERT book exists, but CBSE provides official guidelines and reference materials.
Q10: Which is the toughest subject in Class 12?
A: Subjects like Mathematics and Physics are often regarded as the toughest due to their complexity.
Q11: Which education board is easy?
A: Boards like CBSE are considered balanced and straightforward compared to state boards with varied patterns.
Q12: Is Physical Education a scoring subject in Class 12?
A: Yes, Physical Education is highly scoring with consistent practice in theory and practicals.
निष्कर्ष | Conclusion
The Class 12 Physical Education syllabus for 2023-24 offers a balanced mix of theoretical and practical knowledge. By understanding the syllabus thoroughly and following a structured preparation plan, students can excel in both board exams and practical assessments. अधिक जानकारी और अपडेट के लिए, विश्वसनीय शैक्षणिक प्लेटफार्मों और सीबीएसई घोषणाओं पर ध्यान दें।